Giving Tuesday Tip #9 Start early…like now.

For nonprofit pros it may seem like #GivingTuesday is saturating every major media platform, but there are still those outside the sector who won’t see the day coming…that is unless you tell them.

Giving Tuesday Tip #8: Make it a Team Effort

Do not attempt to let one person carry this load. If you are blessed enough to have a social media manager or marketing person on your team, that is fantastic. However, no single person should be charged with making a #GivingTuesday campaign successful.

Giving Tuesday Tip #6: Recruit Influencers

We’re all separated by three degrees of connection, right? If you’re a national or global organization, finding a celebrity to endorse your cause on #GivingTuesday is feasible, but it will take some research and planning.

Giving Tuesday Tip #1: Secure a Match

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