Tip #3 Examine the Email that Surprised Social Media Guru, Julia Campbell

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Tip #3: Examine the Email that Surprised Social Media Guru, Julia Campbell


The following content is from Julia Campbell’s Blog –Marketing for the Modern Nonprofit

When was the time an email surprised you?

And when was the last time you were so moved that you shared that email with others?

This is one of those times for me!

A thank you email from Wikipedia caught my eye, and piqued my interest.

Both of those things are very hard to do, as you can imagine.

Here’s the email in its entirety and I’ll tell you what I loved most below.

Dear Julia,

I feel so lucky to get to be the person to thank you for your $15.35 gift, on behalf of a world of people seeking free knowledge.

I used to try to guess what motivated you to give, but the longer I do this work, the more I realize I can’t put your curiosity in a box. There is no one singular experience of Wikipedia. Curiosity is as diverse as we all are, and it looks a little different for each of us.

When you use Wikipedia next, I hope you feel that it belongs to you. Because without you, and without the millions of people who come back to us every day, we would be nothing.

Thank you for giving Wikipedia shape, and purpose, and momentum. Thank you for fitting us into your life.

With immense gratitude,


Katherine Maher, Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation

Subject line: Your donation. Your curiosity. Your Wikipedia.

I immediately feel part of a bigger cause – MY cause. MY Wikipedia. It’s part of who I am and what I believe in.

The email starts out “I feel so lucky” rather than “On behalf of the Board of Trustees blah blah blah”. It is genuine.

I love the way Katherine recognizes that all donors are different, with different motivations for giving, and she can put “curiosity in a box.”

No fancy graphics, no pictures at all in fact. Just plain, thoughtful text.

The email also served as my tax receipt. The tax receipt email that your donor receives immediately upon making a donation – this is the MOST IMPORTANT EMAIL that you can send to them, because it will have the highest open rate.

They are feeling inspired and happy to have made a gift just a few seconds ago.

Confirm their suspicions.

Make them feel like they are in the right place.

Don’t just send a boring old tax receipt.

How are you making your donors smile at year-end? 



Meet Julia Campbell!

Julia Campbell has run her digital marketing consulting business for almost a decade, focused exclusively on mission-driven organizations. A mom of 2 and a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, she is the author of Storytelling in the Digital Age: A Guide for Nonprofits, a call-to-action for nonprofits to use stories to accomplish their missions.

Julia will be a speaker at the DO MORE GOOD Nonprofit Conference in 2020. Save the date for 10/01/2020 and 10/02/2020!

